8 millennial settlement uncovered in west-central Iran

According to Ghafour Kaka, the head of exploration expedition at the site of Sarsakhti castle hill in an eponymous village in Shazand: the results of cultural findings of archaeological excavation of the area and its surrounding show it has been inhabited since Neolithic age (8000 years ago) until the Qajar Era. Based on Stratigraphic studies of 2012, the site contains relics of Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages, Parthian, Ilkhanid, and Qajar periods. The excavations of the spring of 2016 carried out with the aim of reaching the oldest human settlement in the area led to very important neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in a 4 in 6 meters trench. Among the most important findings were simple and decorated potteries, decorative objects, stone tools, bony flag posts, animal figurines, ceramic spindles and casting molds.